Tyler’s Butt Wax is a drumstick grip wax handmade with all natural, non-toxic ingredients. It helps you keep your sticks in your hands so that you can keep your hands relaxed and free of unnecessary strain. Tyler's Butt Wax was designed by Tyler Solnosky (a drummer of 20+ years) to give drummers a stick grip option that’s effective, comfortable on your grip, easy on your technique, and not damaging to your hands. In fact, it’s GOOD for your hands. With anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and vitamins A and E, it’ll keep your sticks where they belong AND keep your hands healthy and playing for years to come. Don’t just grab your sticks, grab Tyler’s Butt Wax!
Tyler's Butt Wax is operated and owned by Tyler and his partner BettyAnn. BettyAnn is also a professional body piercer with nearly 20 years of experience. She is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers, licensed in the state of Tennessee, certified in Blood Born Pathogens, First Aid and CPR, and is an instructor at the Fakir Intensives, an international school that teaches safe and sophisticated body piercing. This information is relevant because through her guidance and recommendations, we have adopted hospital grade safety and sanitation practices, not just in our business, but in our everyday lives. We are always keeping ourselves and our environments clean and safe, and keeping our customers, and their safety, in the forefront of our minds as we operate our business.
Tyler's Butt Wax is made, packaged, and prepped for shipment, by hand, in a clean and sanitary work space.